Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sunday Ride - Tatamagouche

Another great Sunday ride in Nova Scotia in the fall...

Balmoral Grist Mill

" A working grist mill from 1874 Discover this three-storey mill tucked away in a wooded gorge on Matheson’s Brook. See grains being ground, sifted and turned into flour just as they have been since Alexander McKay opened this mill in 1874. Feel the mill in action and hear the whir of wooden gears as shafts and pulleys turn the original Scottish granite millstones.

Bring a picnic and linger in this shady and peaceful place. Hear the mill stream splashing as water tumbles over the dam. Ramble along the Christine MacDonald Walking Trail as it winds along the brook."


Fred and Wilma

I wanna drive too

Lunch in Tatamagougche
life size carvings of Anna Swan and Martin Van Burren Bates

"The Anna Swan Museum is presently housed at the Tatamagouche Creamery Square located at 39 Creamery Road. Born in the mid 1800’s and weighing approximately 18 pounds at birth, Anna Swan looms large in the history of Tatamagouche. Growing to a height of seven foot eleven inches, at sixteen she joined the P.T. Barnum’s American Museum in New York City. While on an overseas tour with P.T. Barnum, she met and eventually married Martin Van Burren Bates the so called “Kentucky Giant”. The Anna Swan Archives holds personal items of Anna Swan, photographs, a door from their custom built house, and other items of interest."